Friday, 23 January 2015

Props and costumes ( point 34 )

Windmill tearoom:

The tearoom was the chosen because it gives the homely feeling related to the character's personality.
The room was messy so for the preparations we had to clean it up. Then after that, we add extra items like books and fruits to make it cozy. Then we add chairs and cleaning equipments to give it the feeling of a real house. Our character, Oda wore black pants with an orange shirt with a colourful scarf. Her clothes colours matched with the mood boards, so as for the site. Also, we add some papers to show that she was preparing her self for the open mic night as an introduction of what is happening later in the film.

Mr. Worsley's desk:

Mr. Worsley's desk was used as the meal character (Sam) office .We had to clean the disk and take some of the things that were on it to make it look like appropriate please for working. Then we added some papers and files for Sam to use during the filming process. We also moved some tables and chairs firstly to make it easier for us to move and secondly to make the room look like an office.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Risk assessment (point 32)

In our opining there won’t be many dangerous risks to be considered. Nevertheless, lots of things might happen which could subvert the course of filming the movie such as the time. We might not find the time to gather the cast and do the filming and editing for the dead time.
Secondly, we have to make sure that the locations are free to use. The risk was in choosing locations which are often busy by people. Finally, non-cracking and sabotaging the locations is an important point to consider while filming.

Locations plan (point 31)

The locations we chose are 3 sites:

1-      Windmill tea room. The most convenient place to show the girl actor’s preparing herself to begin the day.

2-      Round square entrance. The shape of the entrance makes a good background in the shot.

3-      Media block. Mr. Worsley’s disk is what we want for the mail actor’s character.

all of the three sites are marked with red in the following map