Thursday, 5 March 2015

evaluation 8

We posted our video 4 days ago on YouTube. we managed to get 108 views and 29 likes.

  We also interviewed some of those people who have watched it to get some feedbake from them. We included that in the following video. 

evaluation 3

Searching for the institution that might distribute our media product is an extremely important step to consider. To show that I made this simple presentation.

A link to my Prezi presentation is induced.

evaluation 2

To represent a particular social group we recorded our comments and add them to the opening scene in the following video.

evaluation 7

Watch our learning process in this video. 


Wednesday, 4 March 2015

evaluation 4

The audience that we seek to attract are included in the following link.

evaluation 1

From the top right corner:

1-      The real media product have its own signature.
 The signature in our clip was presenting the company ident. Flipping the book was a creative style to attract the audience.

2-   I find it interesting to show the name of the film on a paper in the begging of the movie.

3-      To understand the idea or the story of a film you need to know the main event.
 The open mic night was the main idea of the film.

4-      The used font in the opening scene clear and easy to read.

5&6- Both of the pictures shows the Graphic Match technique which is having two or more people doing the same thing at the same time but in different places. In this case they are both reaching out to something (cup/keyboard).

7-  The verity of using the computer to type the titles and using the editing to add more grapes the audience attention. Also it won't make the viewer bored.

8-  Using the work of the camera is important to have different angles for expressing your work. Having a number of different angels gives more points of view and it’s a change from the normal routine.  

9-  The last shot of the opining scene is the beginning of the story of the film.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

evaluation 5

I have added few comments as a part of the evaluation task. Please make sure that they are on while watching.

Monday, 2 March 2015

final (point 39)

We had a problem posting the original edition of the opening scene. Therefore, we changed the 20 
century Fox company logo to MGM logo. 

re-shoots ( point 37 )

 During the editing and making the rough edit. We found out that there is some shots that needs to be done again . We did several of them just like the flowing one:

This was the first shoot:

This is the re-shoot:

As you can see we deleted the part where it says (starring)

Filming ( point 35 )

We stated the primary filming process hoping we want have to do another one later on.

editing (point 38)

The editing process was the hardest part until now. We had roughly a week to finish the clip and submit it. We didn't had that much of time to meet together as a group and finish the work together . Therefore, each one of us did a part of the editing and we finally managed to submit it on time.

The only problem we have was the publishing and we are working on that now.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

rough edit (point 36)

Out rough edit didn't turn out to what we want, but it gave us good idea of what are we doing next.

As you can see, the sound is not clear and the song and the sound effects are low and baerly exist. Also we need to add more titles and manage the shifting between the scenes.

Cast (point 33)

Our cast is basically 2 main actors, sam and Oda.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Props and costumes ( point 34 )

Windmill tearoom:

The tearoom was the chosen because it gives the homely feeling related to the character's personality.
The room was messy so for the preparations we had to clean it up. Then after that, we add extra items like books and fruits to make it cozy. Then we add chairs and cleaning equipments to give it the feeling of a real house. Our character, Oda wore black pants with an orange shirt with a colourful scarf. Her clothes colours matched with the mood boards, so as for the site. Also, we add some papers to show that she was preparing her self for the open mic night as an introduction of what is happening later in the film.

Mr. Worsley's desk:

Mr. Worsley's desk was used as the meal character (Sam) office .We had to clean the disk and take some of the things that were on it to make it look like appropriate please for working. Then we added some papers and files for Sam to use during the filming process. We also moved some tables and chairs firstly to make it easier for us to move and secondly to make the room look like an office.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Risk assessment (point 32)

In our opining there won’t be many dangerous risks to be considered. Nevertheless, lots of things might happen which could subvert the course of filming the movie such as the time. We might not find the time to gather the cast and do the filming and editing for the dead time.
Secondly, we have to make sure that the locations are free to use. The risk was in choosing locations which are often busy by people. Finally, non-cracking and sabotaging the locations is an important point to consider while filming.

Locations plan (point 31)

The locations we chose are 3 sites:

1-      Windmill tea room. The most convenient place to show the girl actor’s preparing herself to begin the day.

2-      Round square entrance. The shape of the entrance makes a good background in the shot.

3-      Media block. Mr. Worsley’s disk is what we want for the mail actor’s character.

all of the three sites are marked with red in the following map